“Pursuant to Governor Baker’s March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor’s March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of the Town of Monson School Committee will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Specific information and the general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public and/or parties with a right and/or requirement to attend this meeting can be found on the Town of Monson website, at www.monson-ma.gov. For this meeting, members of the public who wish to listen to the meeting may do so in the following manner: https://zoom.us/j/92928468869 Meeting ID:929 2846 8869, no in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on the Town of Monson’s website an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting. Present: Chair Jeffrey Lord; Vice Chair Emily-Graves-Harrison; Committee Members; Colleen Flynn and Jackie Watts Also Present: Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Clarke; Director of Student Services/Early Childhood Center Suzanne Tetrault; Granite Valley School Principal Katherine Watts; Granite Valley School Assistant Principal Joe Trivisonno; Director of Guidance Robert Bardwell; Director of Food Services Melody Gustafson; Monson High School Principal William Metzger; Monson High School Assistant Principal Jill Foulis; Early Childhood Center Dean of Students/Special Education Coordinator Colette Bidus; and Recording Secretary Karen Methe Note: This meeting was recorded using Zoom technology. Mr. Lord called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Mr. Lord read the Mission & Vision Statements. Announcements: The Parent-Teacher Student Association (PTSA) has a Zoom meeting scheduled for April 15, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Dr. Clarke gave a reminder that next week is spring break. Congratulations were given to Madigan Graves-Harrison for her 2nd place win at the state level with her Reflections Program entry. Subcommittee and Liaison Reports: Policy Subcommittee: Ms. Peterson noted that there hasn’t been any public feedback on the Policies posted to the website. Motion by Ms. Peterson to accept the third and final read of Policies BBA, BBBA/BBB, BDE, BDE-E, BEDA, BIBA and CBD and incorporate into the Policy Manual. (Second by Ms. Graves-Harrison)
School Committee Minutes: Page 1 of 4
Regular Business Meeting-April 14, 2021
DRAFT COPY for distribution/approval at the Regular Business Meeting-May 26, 2021
No discussion Roll Call Mr. Watts Yes Ms. Flynn Yes Ms. Peterson Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Mr. Lord Yes Motion carries 5-0 Motion by Ms. Graves-Harrison to accept the third and final read of Policy CBI and incorporate into the Policy Manual. (Second by Mr. Watts) No discussion Roll Call Mr. Watts Yes Ms. Flynn Yes Ms. Peterson Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Mr. Lord Yes Motion carries 5-0 The next Policy Subcommittee meeting will be scheduled for May 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. Superintendent’s Report: Pooled testing continues with new registrants daily. Dr. Clarke noted that the testing will now be funded through the summer. The Administration Leadership Team (ALT) is looking at the creation of an in-person summer school for students requiring remediation. This program will be in addition to the Extended School Year (ESY) Program for special education students. The spring athletic season begins after spring break and Dr. Clarke encouraged athletes to register as soon as possible. Dr. Clarke reviewed the COVID case count information for the town, emphasizing that there is no evidence of any case being school-spread. The FY22 budget, including transportation and the Energy Service Company (ESCO) work were presented to the Town Finance Committee. Dr. Clarke participated in a call with the Commissioner of Education about the May 17, 2021 return to school for high school students. The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) testing for grades 3-8 will take place remotely. An informational webinar will be held. Grade 10 will test in-person and Grade 11 is not required to test but have the option to take the tests in fall for scholarship reasons. There are no opt-out provisions for MCAS testing though Dr. Clarke stated that there is no accountability for districts this year. Public session: Mr. Lord opened Public Session at 7:18 p.m. No one came forward to address the Committee.
School Committee Minutes: Page 2 of 4
Regular Business Meeting-April 14, 2021
DRAFT COPY for distribution/approval at the Regular Business Meeting-May 26, 2021
Mr. Lord closed Public Session at 7:19 p.m. Old Business: Mr. Bardwell gave an update on the Safe and Supportive Schools Grant, currently in Phase 2 of the grant work. Several alumni were invited to participate in a panel and met with Mr. Bardwell and Aseem Rastogi to create the video that was presented to staff members. A follow-up question and answer meeting was held, with the panel and staff, from questions submitted by the staff after the first panel presentation. Mr. Bardwell noted that the Steering Committee will meet after April break to discuss the remaining funds left over from the consultant. He added that $1500 could be allocated for suitable curriculum grade level material. Work will continue with staff regarding a list of resources and/or tools that have been fact checked for sensitivity. Mr. Bardwell added that an application for a competitive grant will be submitted to continue funding. A brief discussion with questions and answers followed Mr. Bardwell’s update. New Business: The ALT team met to determine the number of School Choice openings per grade level. Dr. Clarke presented current numbers and proposed number of slots for FY22. Motion by Ms. Flynn to approve School Choice openings for FY21-22, which totals 50, as broken down by Dr. Clarke. (Second by Mr. Watts) Brief discussion followed. Motion carries 5-0 Ms. Graves-Harrison stated that she felt the Policy/Diversity Subcommittee should be divided to address the diversity piece separately. She noted that the mission of the Subcommittee would be to cover all diversity issues, staff training as needed and monitoring how the affirmative action policy is implemented. Discussion followed. Mr. Lord appointed the creation of a special Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee with Mr. Watts as Chair and Ms. Graves-Harrison as a member. He charged them with meeting within the next 2 weeks to develop the mandate of the Subcommittee. A short discussion was held on the recording of all Subcommittee meetings held via Zoom. Dr. Clarke requested postponement of the FY22 School Calendar approval. The Monson Teachers’ Association has provided feedback and will need to be revised and sent out for final acceptance. Action Items: Schedule a Facilities and Long-Term Planning Subcommittee meeting in May, inviting all Committee members. Think about resuming in-person meetings in the near future. Ms. Graves-Harrison noted that she would like to see a hybrid model to allow the ability for continued community input. Send approved Policies to MASC for on-line Policy Manual. Post a Joint Meeting with the Board of Selectmen for April 27, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Motion by Mr. Lord to adjourn to Open Session. (Second by Ms. Graves-Harrison)
School Committee Minutes: Page 3 of 4
Regular Business Meeting-April 14, 2021
DRAFT COPY for distribution/approval at the Regular Business Meeting-May 26, 2021
No discussion Motion carries 5-0 Open Session closed at 8:03 p.m. Documentation for this meeting: April 14, 2021-Regular Business Meeting Agenda Distributed at meeting: N/A Approved by Committee: ________________________________________ Kathryn Peterson, Secretary