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Updates and Reminders 9/12/21


We hope this message finds you all well and enjoying this beautiful weekend weather. It has been a wonderful start to the year and it is great seeing all of our students each day. We recognize for many of our students this has been the first time back in the school building in quite a long time and they have done a great job of getting back in the routine of things.

Moving forward we offer a few reminders about some of our rules and policies:

  • Cell phones are not allowed to be used during instructional time and should be put away.

  • The dress code does not permit the wearing of hats, hoods, or shirts that expose the midriff.

  • Food and drink should not be consumed in classrooms with the exception of water.

  • Students should remember to charge Chromebooks at home in the evening. Loaner Chromebooks are for students having technical issues with their school issued device.

Additionally, we would like to share the following information with you:

  • Daily announcements are now published on the school website .

  • School pictures will be on Thursday Sep 23, 2021.

  • Student Parking Permits will go on sale tomorrow September 13th. The cost is $45 and students will need their license and registration. All student vehicles should be registered by Wednesday September 22nd.

Thank you and have a wonderful rest of the weekend.


Mr. Metzger & Mr. Sullivan

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