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March 25, 2020

Minutes of the Monson School Committee-Regular Business Meeting Via Zoom March 25, 2020 “Pursuant to Governor Baker’s March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor’s March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of the Town of Monson School Committee will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Specific information and the general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public and/or parties with a right and/or requirement to attend this meeting can be found on the Town of Monson website, at For this meeting, members of the public who wish to listen to the meeting may do so in the following manner: Meeting ID: 525 284 222, no in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on the Town of Monson’s website an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting. Present: Chair Jeffrey Lord; Vice-Chair Emily Graves-Harrison; Secretary Andre Dubois-White, Committee Members Colleen Flynn and Jessy Shea Also Present: Superintendent Dr. Cheryl A. Clarke, Director of Facilities Paul DeMaio, Business and Finance Officer Michelle Loglisci and Recording Secretary Karen Methe Note: This meeting was recorded using Zoom technology. Mr. Lord called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. Mr. Lord read Governor Baker’s directive regarding remote access of Open Meetings. Mr. Lord read the Mission and Vision Statements. Announcements: Dr. Clarke stated that the Grab and Go lunch program will be extended to May 4, 2020 in accordance with Governor Baker’s recent information that schools will continue to be closed until that date. Dr. Clarke noted that there was no “heads-up” for Superintendents regarding the updated closure information. She added that there will be a conference call for all Superintendents from the Commissioner of Education this Friday. Recognition: Dr. Clarke extended her utmost appreciation and thanks to staff members for rising to the occasion during this time. She told Committee members that teachers have found amazing ways to keep their students engaged and she couldn’t be more proud of everyone’s efforts and dedication. Mr. Lord offered a public thanks to Dr. Clarke for going above and beyond to lead the district during this unprecedented time. Ms. Graves-Harrison acknowledged and thanked all the parents for stepping-up to meet the new challenges of their children’s education. Director of Facilities: Mr. DeMaio stated that due to our ever-changing mission with outbreak of Covid19, the facilities department has been mostly concentrating on cleaning and disinfecting the schools using the following procedure, which includes Federal and State guidelines:

School Committee Minutes: Page 1 of 4 March 25, 2020 Regular Business Meeting

Draft copy for distribution prior to the April 8, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting

Classrooms are cleaned, and all surfaces are wiped down with a disinfectant, then the rooms are sprayed with the Victory apparatus, which is an electrostatically charged disinfectant. All other rooms, hallways, lockers and stairways are done in the same way. Bathrooms and locker rooms are also cleaned with a pressurized cleaning solution. Lastly, the cafeteria and kitchens have been completed and the gymnasium has been wiped down. Upon completion of each space the area is marked so no one will enter. At this time the high school has been finished and work has started at Granite Valley. The maintenance crew has been doing anything required to help facilitate the meals pick-up program. Mr. DeMaio added that all schools are checked regularly for any issues that may occur while being unoccupied. He noted that all busses and vans will also be disinfected. Ms. Graves-Harrison inquired about the playgrounds and Mr. DeMaio said they have been and will continue to be disinfected. The pool is closed and there is no access to the buildings at this time with exception of a skeleton crew at Quarry Hill. He informed the Committee that at this time he has no shortage of supplies needed to complete the required cleaning tasks. Business and Finance Officer’s Report: Mrs. Loglisci reported that daily operations for the transportation collaborative have gone well and positive feedback has been received from the Palmer Public Schools administration and parents. She noted that projected revenues have changed for a variety of reasons and an update will be provided to the Committee, after payments for transportation during the closure are decided, adding she expects they will be on target. The Palmer School Committee was expected to vote on continuation of the transportation collaborative with Monson Public Schools at their March 18, 2020 meeting but was cancelled. Mrs. Loglisci’s expectation is that Palmer will vote to approve continuation and she is asking for a formal vote tonight that Monson Public Schools will continue in this collaboration as well. Motion by Mr. Shea to renew the transportation collaborative agreement for special education students with the Palmer School Committee for the 2020-2021 school year. (Second by Mr. Dubois-White) Discussion followed after which Mrs. Loglisci was thanked for reaching out to other districts for growth opportunity. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Shea Yes Ms. Flynn Yes Mr. Dubois-White Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Mr. Lord Yes Motion carries 5-0 Mrs. Loglisci provided an update to Committee members on the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the FY20 school budget to date. Multiple Zoom conference meetings have taken place with the Massachusetts Association of School Business Officials (MASBO) and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) regarding lost revenues, vendor payments reimbursement of COVIS-19 costs that require input from DESE, Department of Revenue and other state agencies. As this information becomes available, Mrs. Loglisci will inform the Committee on the effect to the FY20 and FY21 budgets. Minutes: Motion by Ms. Flynn to approve the March 11, 2020, Regular Business

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Draft copy for distribution prior to the April 8, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting

Meeting minutes as presented. (Second by Mr. Shea) No discussion Motion carries 5-0 Subcommittee and Liaison Reports: Finance Subcommittee: A meeting is scheduled for March 30, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. Superintendent’s Report: Dr. Clarke discussed the Continuity of Operations report created on March 9, 2020 by a task force of various staff members. The March 13, 2020 Teacher In-Service Day was revised to allow the planning and creation of online lesson and curriculum grade activities. Grade 3 and 4 students will be allowed to take their Chromebooks home. Dr. Clarke and Mr. Schubach will distribute them on Monday, March 16, 2020. Dr. Clarke gave her State of the District address to staff via Zoom. An outline of a draft Virtual Enrichment Plan is being created and will be reviewed by the Administrative Leadership Team (ALT). Dr. Clarke reported that several Zoom meetings are being held with ALT and the Administrative Assistants. The nurses have created a staff newsletter with important COVID-19 information and suggestions on self-care. Dr. Clarke thanked the bus drivers that were instrumental in delivering work and Chromebooks to students that could not get to school to pick them up. The Grab & Go Lunch Program has served 1,222 lunches and 1,050 breakfasts to families. Dr. Clarke praised Mrs. Gustafson, Food Services Director, and her amazing staff for their work and commitment to this vital program. She also thanked Mr. Callahan, of the maintenance staff, for his unwavering help each day the program is offered. Staff and parent e-mail updates are sent out weekly and every Friday Dr. Clarke holds a State of the District update to all staff via Zoom. All administrators have been reaching out to staff on a consistent basis. Ms. Johnston, Dr. Clarke reported, is doing a great job with the weekly In the Loop newsletter. Dr. Clarke is considering a staff parade and reverse parade for students and families. Once details are figured out, she will advise everyone. Dr. Clarke acknowledged that there are still remaining questions regarding grading, end of year activities, MCAS testing and teacher evaluations, that she is hoping the Commissioner of Education will provide definite direction to Superintendents soon. There has been on-going discussion regarding grading as it applies to not offering instruction but enrichment. Dr. Clarke stated that guidance is needed from the Commissioner of Education regarding Special Education students, adding that all Superintendents across the state are concerned about the students and their Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s). Public Session: Mr. Lord waived this Agenda item as there was no remote public participation requested. Action Items: Reminder that a Finance Subcommittee Meeting will be held on March 30, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. via

School Committee Minutes: Page 3 of 4 March 25, 2020 Regular Business Meeting

Draft copy for distribution prior to the April 8, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting

Zoom. Move the April 29, 2020 Regular Business Meeting to April 22, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Lord thanked everyone for their flexibility and patience as the first ever Zoom School Committee Meeting was held. Motion by Mr. Shea to adjourn Open Session. (Second by Ms. Graves-Harrison) No discussion Mr. Shea Yes Ms. Flynn Yes Mr. Dubois-White Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Mr. Lord Yes Motion carries 5-0 Mr. Lord adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Documentation for this meeting: March 25, 2020-Regular Business Meeting Agenda Approved by Committee: ______________________________________ Mr. Dubois-White, Secretary

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