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March 11, 2020

Minutes of the Monson School Committee Regular Business Meeting Quarry Hill Community School – School Committee Meeting Room March 11, 2020 Present: Chair Jeffrey Lord; Vice Chair Emily Graves-Harrison; Secretary Andre Dubois-White and Committee Member Colleen Flynn Absent: Committee Member Jessy Shea Also Present: Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Clarke and Recording Secretary Karen Methe Note: This meeting was video-recorded. Mr. Lord called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Mr. Dubois-White read the Mission and Vision Statements. Announcements: Dr. Clarke reported that all evening and extra-curricular activities have been postponed due the Coronavirus and will be assessed in April. The girls’ basketball game is still scheduled to be played tomorrow at Worcester State, but no public is allowed to attend. There will be a live feed available to view the game from home. Minutes: Motion by Mr. Dubois-White to accept the February 12, 2020, Regular Business Meeting minutes as presented. (Second by Ms. Graves-Harrison) No discussion Motion carries 4-0 Subcommittee and Liaison Reports: Policy Subcommittee: Motion by Ms. Flynn to approve the third and final read of File GBEBD -Crowdfunding, and institute it into the Monson Public Schools Policy Manual. (Second by Mr. Dubois-White) No discussion Roll Call Vote: Ms. Flynn Yes Mr. Dubois-White Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Mr. Lord Yes

School Committee Minutes: Page 1 of 4 Regular Business Meeting: March 11, 2020

Draft copy for e-mail distribution/approval, as part of the School Committee packet, - prior to the March 25, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting via Zoom Video Conferencing

Motion carries 4-0 Dr. Clarke noted that she and the other Finance Subcommittee members attended the Town Finance Committee meeting where she presented the FY21 budget. She stated that the Board of Selectmen have requested that she attend their March 24, 2020 meeting for presentation of the FY21 budget. The Human Resources/Negotiations Subcommittee is scheduled to meet on March 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. New Business: There were two individual family requests to waive the Kindergarten entrance age requirement. Mr. Lord read Monson Public Schools Policy JEB- Entrance Age-which states that a child must attain the age of 5 by August 31 of the upcoming school year. Tracy and Vincent Nuzzolilli distributed a booklet of information containing information of their child Roman’s readiness to attend Kindergarten though he misses the cut-off age by 15 days. A brief discussion followed. Motion by Mr. Lord, in the case of Roman Nuzzolilli, to waive the Entrance Age Policy JEB requirement and enroll him into Kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year. (Second by Mr. Dubois-White) No further discussion Roll Call Vote: Ms. Flynn Yes Mr. Dubois-White Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Mr. Lord Yes Motion carries 4-0 Frances DiPascale and Kristin Leach, parents of Raelynn DiPascale, addressed the Committee requesting to waive the Kindergarten entrance age for their daughter. Both parents spoke on behalf of Raelynn’s readiness to enter Kindergarten. A brief discussion was held. Motion by Mr. Lord, in the case of Raelynn DiPascale, to waive the Entrance Age Policy JEB requirement and enroll her into Kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year. (Second by Ms. Flynn) No further discussion Roll Call Vote: Ms. Flynn Yes Mr. Dubois-White Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Mr. Lord Yes Motion carries 4-0 Dr. Clarke distributed and reviewed the 2020-2021 draft school calendar noting that the Monson Teacher’s Association has approved it as presented.

School Committee Minutes: Page 2 of 4 Regular Business Meeting: March 11, 2020

Draft copy for e-mail distribution/approval, as part of the School Committee packet, - prior to the March 25, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting via Zoom Video Conferencing

Motion by Ms. Flynn to approve the 2020-2021 draft school calendar as presented. (Second by Mr. Dubois-White) Discussion including a short question and answer period followed. Motion carries 4-0 Old Business: Dr. Clarke distributed a mid-year update on her goals and reviewed the Key Actions/Timelines on each one separately as follows: District Improvement Goal #1 – Strategic Plan District Improvement Goal #2 – Capital and Maintenance Plan District Improvement Goal #3 – District Presence in the Community Student Learning Goal – Math Achievement Professional Practice Goal #1 – Doctoral Program (completed January 20, 2020) Professional Practice Goal #2 – Director of Business Superintendent’s Report: Dr. Clarke gave an update on the Coronavirus. Two meetings have been held to draft a pandemic plan which was distributed to Committee members. Dr. Clarke explained what is being done for the safety of students and staff. There will be a new structure for the upcoming Professional Development activities to avoid a large group gathering. Dr. Clarke will provide her State of the District report to staff via video-conferencing. Discussions have begun regarding how to provide meals to free and reduced lunch students and home visits from the district’s mental health and service providers. Student education was provided by school administration and nurses. Nurse leader, Mrs. Fedora spoke to all coaches. Dr. Clarke and Mrs. Fedora attended the Board of Health meeting held earlier this evening that offered good discussion and helpful ideas. Mr. Lord encouraged all parents to read the Coronavirus information thoroughly. There was discussion on the possibility of increasing substitute teacher pay now in the event of numerous staff absences. It was decided that the Committee would postpone action on this right now. Public Session: Mr. Lord opened Public Session at 8:11 p.m. No one from the public came forward to address the Committee. Mr. Lord closed Public Session at 8:11 p.m. Review of Action Items: Look into Grade 5 field trip funds donated from a private person. Contact Wyatt Aloisio at Turley Publications to request additional press coverage of Monson Public Schools. Send Policy GBEBD –Crowdfunding to Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) to post to on-line Policy Manual. March 24, 2020 Board of Selectmen Budget Presentation by Dr. Clarke and Finance Subcommittee members. The scheduling of a meeting with state legislators will be postponed until April. There is no need for an Executive Session meeting.

School Committee Minutes: Page 3 of 4 Regular Business Meeting: March 11, 2020

Draft copy for e-mail distribution/approval, as part of the School Committee packet, - prior to the March 25, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting via Zoom Video Conferencing

Motion by Ms. Flynn to adjourn Open Session. (Second by Mr. Dubois-White) No discussion Roll Call Vote: Ms. Flynn Yes Mr. Dubois-White Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Mr. Lord Yes Motion carries 4-0 Open session closed at 8:16 p.m. Documentation for this meeting: Agenda-March 11, 2020-Regular Business Meeting Regular Business Meeting Draft Minutes – February 12, 2020 Policy GBEBD-Crowdfunding Monson Public Schools 2020-2021 Calendar- Draft Superintendent’s Mid-Year Goals Update Distributed at meeting: Planning for the Coronavirus Meeting Agenda Monson Public Schools Pandemic Plan Approved by Committee: ___________________________________ Mr. Dubois-White, Secretary

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