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June 14, 2023

Minutes of the Monson School Committee Re-Organization/Regular Business Meeting Quarry Hill Community School – School Committee Meeting Room June 14, 2023 Members of the public who wish to participate virtually in this meeting may do so in the following manner: Meeting ID: 819 9951 8923 Present: Chair Colleen Flynn; Vice-Chair Alison Morgan; Secretary Emily Graves-Harrison; Committee Members Jamie Murphy and Karen Nothe-Valley Also Present: Superintendent Cheryl Clarke; Director of Business and Operations Leah Zippin; Director of Curriculum Katherine Watts; Director of Student Services Colette Bidus; Granite Valley School/Early Childhood Center Principal Joseph Trivisonno; and Recording Secretary Karen Methe Note: This meeting was video-recorded by M-Pact and audio recorded by Zoom. Ms. Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Flynn introduced and welcomed newly elected member Karen Nothe-Valley to the Monson School Committee. Ms. Nothe-Valley read the Mission & Vision Statements. Ms. Flynn thanked Ms. Peterson for her service on the Committee and turned the meeting over to Dr. Clarke. Dr. Clarke stated that the next order of business was to reorganize the Monson School Committee and determine the other positions of the Committee. She reviewed the ground rules for nominations. Following, she opened the floor for nomination for Chair of the School Committee. Motion by Ms. Murphy to nominate Ms. Morgan as Chair of the Committee. (Second by Ms. Flynn) Motion by Ms. Flynn to nominate Ms. Graves-Harrison as Chair of the Committee. (Second by Ms. Morgan) There were no further nominations Mrs. Clarke closed the nominations. No discussion Dr. Clarke asked for a roll call vote to accept the nomination of Ms. Morgan as Chair of the Committee. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Nothe-Valley No Ms. Morgan No

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Ms. Murphy Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison No Ms. Flynn No Motion fails 4-1 Dr. Clarke asked for a roll call vote to accept the nomination of Ms. Graves-Harrison as Chair of the Committee. No discussion Roll Call Vote: Ms. Nothe-Valley Yes Ms. Morgan Yes Ms. Murphy Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Ms. Flynn Yes Motion carries 5-0 Dr. Clarke congratulated Ms. Graves-Harrison and turned the meeting over to her to continue with the selections and appointments. Ms. Graves-Harrison opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chair of the Committee. Motion by Ms. Flynn to nominate Ms. Morgan as Vice-Chair of the Committee. (Second by Ms. Murphy) No further nominations No discussion Ms. Graves-Harrison asked for a roll call vote to accept the nomination of Ms. Morgan as Vice-Chair of the Committee. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Nothe-Valley Yes Ms. Morgan Yes Ms. Murphy Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Ms. Flynn Yes Motion carries 5-0 Ms. Graves-Harrison then opened the floor for nomination for Secretary of the Committee. Motion by Ms. Flynn to nominate Ms. Murphy as Secretary of the Committee. (Second by Ms. Graves-Harrison) No further nominations No discussion Motion carries 5-0 As Policy mandates, all Subcommittee liaison positions to the School Committee were assigned next. Announcements/Recognition: Grade 6 will hold a ceremony and last lap event tomorrow at Granite Valley School. A Fun Day for students in grades 7-11 is scheduled for tomorrow at the high school.

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DRAFT COPY for distribution/ at the Regular Business Meeting-July 13, 2023

Summer school will be in session from July 5 – July 27, 2023. Dr. Clarke thanked Special Education Director Colette Bidus for her work with coordinating the program. Summer academic enrichment activities postcards are being mailed out to students and families. Dr. Clarke announced that a new principal has been hired for the high school. Mr. Arthur Murphy, current principal at Gardner Middle School, has served in that role for the past 6 years. She noted that there was an extensive search for this position, with many people from the school and outside community involved in the interview process. Dr. Clarke added that he held his first faculty meeting on June 8, 2023 and will officially begin on July 1, 2023. It was the consensus of the Committee to move Agenda item 8a: Summerfest Fireworks Display (Steve Slozak) to this point in the meeting. Mr. Slozak reviewed the information that had been emailed to the Committee prior to this evening’s meeting. The event is planned for June 24, 2023 (rain date June 25, 2023). All permits have been approved. Mr. Slozak will contact Mr. DeMaio for access to the kitchen at Quarry Hill Community School for designated personnel only. He noted that the buses and vans will be moved, Sani Cans and dumpster will be delivered on Friday and there will be no parking allowed in the parking lots in the back of Quarry Hill. Parking will be available at the high school. No parking will be allowed by the front entrance at Quarry Hill either. Mr. Slozak assured the Committee that the grounds will be cleaned by the next day. Motion by Ms. Flynn to approve the Summerfest Fireworks Display Plan as presented by Ms. Slozak. (Second by Ms. Murphy) No discussion Motion carries 5-0 Minutes: Motion by Ms. Morgan to approve the May 24, 2023 Regular Business Meeting Minutes as presented. (Second by Ms. Murphy) No discussion Motion carries 4-1 (Ms. Nothe-Valley abstained from vote) Superintendent’s Update: Dr. Clarke reported that Senior Week was amazing and the indoor graduation ceremony at Granite Valley School was a success. She stated how proud she is of all the graduates and wished them well in their future endeavors. An Awards ceremony was held for Grades 7-8 today. Grades 9-11 had their Awards ceremony yesterday. Grades 7- 8 held a dance last week and Dr. Clarke added that it was very well attended. Grades 7 students went on a field trip to Sonny’s Place and Grade 8 students went to High Meadows. Kindergarten graduation was held today, always a wonderful event. Dr. Clarke noted that the Field Days at each school were successful. Ms. Zippin stated that June 20, 2023 is the final day for van transportation bids to be accepted, followed by a public opening of all bids received. The Committee will be kept apprised with updates following the bid opening. Dr. Clarke stated that there are several job postings still open and interviews are being scheduled. Mr. Dreher, Athletic Director, asked Dr. Clarke to obtain Committee approval of a donation from Levesque Trucking Company to fund the purchase of blue and white game jerseys for the boy’s

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lacrosse and soccer teams. There will be no advertising on the jerseys. Cost for the soccer jerseys will be $900 and the lacrosse jerseys will be $1140. Motion by Ms. Morgan to approve and accept the donation of $2140 to fund the purchase of the boys’ soccer and lacrosse team jerseys. (Second by Ms. Murphy) Roll Call Vote: Ms. Nothe-Valley Yes Ms. Morgan Yes Ms. Murphy Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Ms. Flynn Yes Motion carries 5-0 Public session: Ms. Graves-Harrison opened Public Session at 7:26 p.m. No one came forward to address the Committee. Ms. Graves-Harrison closed Public Session at 7:28 p.m. Subcommittee & Liaison Reports: None New Business: Ms. Watts and Mr. Trivisonno presented a PowerPoint on Early Grades Academic Update. They reviewed in detail all the steps taken for Foundational Reading Standards and the Appleseeds Program, including composite score comparisons for Kindergarten and Grades 1-2 for the beginning, middle and end of the year, which were significantly improved. Information and statistics for Foundational Mathematics were also presented in specific detail for Grades K-3. Dr. Clarke thanked Ms. Watts, Mr. Trivisonno and the teachers present at the meeting for all their hard work and for embracing the Appleseeds Program, acknowledging the intense training involved. Each member of the Committee also expressed thanks to everyone involved in tonight’s presentation and discussion. Motion by Ms. Flynn to incorporate the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the reading of the Mission and Vision Statements at the beginning of a School Committee Meeting. (Second by Ms. Morgan) Discussion followed Ms. Flynn stated that the question of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance was brought to her, as Chair of the Committee, from a community member. It was noted that there is no legal obligation for students to participate in saying the Pledge each morning at school. Ms. Graves-Harrison said she feels that School Committee members should be modeling what is being asked of the students in showing respect. Ms. Flynn noted that it could help not harm and would possibly be open

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to it. Further discussion was held. Ms. Nothe-Valley Yes Ms. Morgan Yes Ms. Murphy Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Ms. Flynn No Motion carries 4-1 Old Business: A School Committee Working Meeting was held on Dr. Clarke’s yearly evaluation. The results and comments of the Summative Evaluation, compiled from each Committee member’s individual evaluation, by Ms. Peterson were discussed at that meeting. Review of Action Items: Regular Business Meetings will be scheduled for July 13, August 9 and 23, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Schedule a Policy Subcommittee meeting for June 28, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Motion by Ms. Flynn to close Open Session. (Second by Ms. Morgan) No discussion Motion carries 5-0 Open Session closed at 8:12 p.m. Documentation for this meeting: June 14, 2023 Regular Business Meeting Agenda May 24, 2023 Regular Business Meeting Minutes (for approval) Summerfest Fireworks Display Packet Distributed/Presented at meeting: Early Grades Academic Update Approved by Committee: ________________________________________ Jamie Murphy –Committee Secretary

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