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July 7, 2021

“Pursuant to Governor Baker’s March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor’s March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of the Town of Monson School Committee will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Specific information and the general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public and/or parties with a right and/or requirement to attend this meeting can be found on the Town of Monson website, at For this meeting, members of the public who wish to listen to the meeting may do so in the following manner: Meeting ID:927 1234 1090, no in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on the Town of Monson’s website an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting. Present: Chair Colleen Flynn; Vice Chair Emily-Graves-Harrison; Committee Members; Jackie Watts and Alison Morgan Also Present: Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Clarke; Director of Business and Operations Leah Zippin; Director of Student Services/Early Childhood Center Suzanne Tetrault; Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Katherine Watts; Granite Valley School Principal Joe Trivisonno; Granite Valley School Assistant Principal Myriah Hudak; Director of Guidance Robert Bardwell; Monson High School Principal William Metzger; Monson High School Assistant Principal Matthew Sullivan; Early Childhood Center Dean of Students/Special Education Coordinator Colette Bidus; and Recording Secretary Karen Methe Note: This meeting was recorded using Zoom technology. Ms. Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Morgan read the Mission & Vision Statements. Announcements: Dr. Clarke will include any announcements in her Superintendent’s Report. Subcommittee and Liaison Reports: Policy Subcommittee: Motions for the approval and acceptance of Policies DB, DBC, DBJ, DGA and DKC has been tabled to the next meeting for all Policy Subcommittee members to be present. Superintendent’s Report: Dr. Clarke reported that it was a successful last week of school throughout the district, with lots of in person end of the year activities which included, but not limited to, field days, senior class events, Grade 8 celebration at Westview Farms Creamery and Grades 7 and 8 Awards presentation. Hiring for the 2021-2022 is almost complete and the Administrative Leadership Team (ALT) is

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planning for New Teacher Induction Day on August 24, 2021. All necessary classrooms have been moved at all schools. Three new rugs have been installed at Quarry Hill Community School (QHCS). Dr. Clarke noted that the new ALT staff met with her recently. The Extended School Year (ESY) Program began yesterday. Dr. Clarke thanked Mrs. Bidus who for facilitating the program. COVID pooled testing continues and Dr. Clarke encouraged people to sign-up. The Town Parks & Recreation Department is holding their summer activities at QHCS. Monson Public Schools Summer School, designed for students identified as needing extra support, is in place and Dr. Clarke recognized and thanked the staff that committed to working all summer programs. There will be 3 Professional Development days, prior to the return of students to school, that are currently being developed by the ALT staff. Chromebook collection is complete. Mr. Schubach and the technology staff is busy cleaning, repairing, tagging and re-distributing them. The Summer Bus Tour is back this year. Specific details to follow. The Extend Program will return in the fall. Registrations will be live on the district website beginning July 11, 2021. A Parent Resource Center is in the works. Located in the Central Business Office pod at QHCS, the space will have technology, printers, and a resource library available for parents to utilize. Ms. Graves-Harrison asked about transition activities for students prior to the beginning of the school year. Dr. Clarke stated that those activities were in the process of being planned. Free lunches will continue to be available through the 2021-2022 school year for all students. Supply lists are available on the district website. Public session: Ms. Flynn opened Public Session at 7:13 p.m. No one came forward to address the Committee. Ms. Flynn closed Public Session at 7:14 p.m. Old Business: The Subcommittee and Liaison list, created after the June election as part of the last Regular Business/Re-organization Meeting, will need revising. Ms. Flynn would like to appoint Ms. Peterson to the Human Resources/Negotiations Subcommittee to replace Ms. Graves-Harrison. Ms. Flynn would like to wait until Ms. Peterson is present at the next meeting to confirm this appointment. School Counsel Attorney Fred Dupere advised that the Human Resources/Negotiations Subcommittee can continue to meet with one School Committee member. A Working Meeting will be scheduled to discuss Dr. Clarke’s annual final evaluation process. The timeline will be reviewed in addition to the evaluation documents to be completed by Committee members. A lengthy discussion was held regarding the placement of Public Session on the Regular Business Meeting Agenda. Policy BEDH addresses the boundaries of Public Session but there is no specified timeframe that should appear on the Agenda. Ms. Graves-Harrison would like Public Session prior to any votes the Committee makes at a meeting, Ms. Morgan agreed. Ms. Flynn has concerns because public information is most often posted on the website for community review and very little, if any, feedback is received. Attorney Dupere spoke in regard to his work on Policy with other

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districts and suggested that the district’s current Policy for Public Session be sent to his office for review and suggested revision, next to the Policy Subcommittee and finally for the entire Committee’s review. Dr. Clarke stated that she would send that information to Attorney Kim Roche tomorrow. Ms. Graves-Harrison requested that Public Session be moved to the beginning of the meeting Agenda, after the reading of the Mission and Vision Statements, permanently until the Policy is reviewed and subsequently revised. Ms. Morgan suggested that Public Session follow the Superintendent’s Report to avoid duplication of questions. New format to read 1. Reading of the Mission and Vision Statements, 2. Announcements, 3. Superintendent’s Report, 4. Public Session and then continue on with further items. This matter will be revisited after the Policy is reviewed by Attorney Roche and the Policy Subcommittee. New Business: Dr. Clarke asked Attorney Fred Dupere, District Counsel, to attend tonight’s meeting for discussion regarding a flag display Policy as she would like the Policy Subcommittee to look at creating one. Attorney Dupere offered to share sample Policies from other districts that he has worked with, for reference in developing a new Policy for the Monson Public Schools district. This item will be added to a future Agenda for continued discussion. Further discussion was held regarding the display of various types of flags, (re: Confederate, Blue Lives Matter, Pride, etc.) The newly developed Policy will focus only on the American Flag and all other displays will be educational and student driven. There was consensus of the Committee to approve the Policy Subcommittee to move forward to create this new Policy. Action Items: Schedule Policy Subcommittee Meeting. Schedule Facilities and Long-Term Planning Subcommittee Meeting (re: tour of school buildings). Ms. Flynn stated that remote meetings will continue through August (with the exception of school building tours). Prioritize the scheduling of Unit Negotiation meetings. Schedule a Working Meeting for July 21, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. (re: Superintendent’s Annual Evaluation Process). Schedule a Business Meeting with the single Agenda topic of the Reorganization of Subcommittee and Liaisons responsibilities. Schedule Regular Business Meetings for August 4 and 26 (Thursday), 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Schedule an in-person Facilities and Long-Term Planning Subcommittee Meeting for August 24, 2021, 6:00 p.m. (re: tour of school buildings). Motion by Ms. Graves-Harrison to adjourn to Executive Session under Purpose #3, to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the Chair so declares, not to return to Open Session. (Second by Mr. Watts) No discussion Motion carries 4-0

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Open Session closed at 8:00 p.m. Documentation for this meeting: July 7, 2021-Regular Business Meeting Agenda Distributed at meeting: N/A Approved by Committee: ________________________________________ Kathryn Peterson, Secretary

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