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July 13, 2022

DRAFT COPY for distribution/ at the Regular Business Meeting-August 10, 2022

Minutes of the Monson School Committee Regular Business Meeting July 13, 2022 Hybrid Model Members of the public who wish to participate virtually in this meeting may do so in the following manner: Meeting ID: 821 8173 0518 Present (In-person): Chair Colleen Flynn; Vice Chair Alison Morgan; Secretary Emily Graves-Harrison; Committee Member Kathryn Peterson; Committee Member Jamie Murphy; Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Clarke; Director of Business and Operations Leah Zippin; Granite Valley School Principal Joseph Trivisonno; Monson High School Assistant Principal Katie Czarniecki and Recording Secretary Karen Methe Note: This meeting was recorded by M-Pact TV and Zoom. Ms. Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Peterson read the Mission & Vision Statements. Announcements/Recognition: The Administrative Leadership Team (ALT) will be participating in a 2-day, off-site Summer Retreat on July 19 and July 20, 2022. Dr. Clarke noted that this yearly event is a great opportunity for the team to come together and brainstorm ideas, share their thoughts and engage in Professional Development to get ready for the 2022-2023 school year. The district will join in the Town’s Annual Night Out on August 4, 2022 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. The schools will have a booth set-up with various information to provide to families and community members. Dr. Clarke and other staff members will be on hand to greet the public and answer any questions or concerns. Minutes: Motion by Ms. Morgan to approve the June 23, 2022 Regular Business Meeting Minutes as presented. (Second by Ms. Peterson) No discussion Motion carries 5-0 Superintendent’s Update: Dr. Clarke reported that job postings and hiring are almost complete, adding that she has met with 17 new employees so far and she is not done yet. She said that she’s very excited with the knowledge and enthusiasm they will be bringing to the district. The Extended School Year (ESY) Program is going very well, staff and students are happy and productive.

School Committee Minutes: Page 1 of 4 Regular Business Meeting-July 13, 2022

DRAFT COPY for distribution/ at the Regular Business Meeting-August 10, 2022

The Summer Eats Program has been very successful. Ms. Zippin noted that the federal government has revised the program to be more of an open feeding concept, similar to the Grab & Go model. Parents can now come into the cafeteria and get food to go for any person under the age of 18. Ms. Zippin spoke briefly about the discontinuation of free meals for all students upon the return to school in the fall but noted that the district may receive a higher reimbursement rate from the government, to avoid a price increase. She added that income levels have not been adjusted to qualify for free and reduced lunch. She told the Committee that she would keep them updated. A short question and answer period followed. And Ms. Zippin stated that all outstanding balances from FY22 are being paid and the End of Year Report will be started in August. She noted that a variance report will be provided at a subsequent meeting. Dr. Clarke reported that the maintenance staff is working hard at ongoing summer cleaning in the buildings. Classrooms are being moved, 2 additional pre-school classes are being set up and the libraries at Quarry Hill Community School and the high school are being reconfigured to encourage usage. She stated that the shop room, on the lower level of the high school, is being transformed into a Science lab. The maintenance staff is also doing grounds work at all of the buildings. Ms. Flynn requested walk-through building tours prior to the opening of school. Public Session: Ms. Flynn opened Public Session at 7:11 p.m. No one came forward to address the Committee. Ms. Flynn closed Public Session at 7:11 p.m. Ms. Murphy provided the following information for newly elected officers for the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA): Denise Newland- President Jennifer Ziobrowski – Vice President Elizabeth Nissenbaum – Secretary School Representatives: Christine Davenport - ECC Amber Chesnes-GVS Jennifer Parker-MHS Ms. Flynn congratulated the new PTSA officers and representatives and also thanked Ms. Murphy for all her hard work during her time with the organization. Committee members expressed their thanks as well. Ms. Murphy stated that school supply orders from the current vendor must be received by the end of the day on July 15, 2022. The revised Subcommittee Liaison Positions list for July 2022 through June 2023 was reviewed and changes were made including Liaisons for the School Councils and the Wellness Advisory Committee.

School Committee Minutes: Page 2 of 4 Regular Business Meeting-July 13, 2022

DRAFT COPY for distribution/ at the Regular Business Meeting-August 10, 2022

New Business: Dr. Clarke distributed an informational packet from YONDR FOR SCHOOLS, a company which partners with educators to create phone-free learning environments through a comprehensive annual program. Dr. Clarke reviewed the concept as presented by Mr. Sullivan at a previous meeting. She noted that she and Mr. Sullivan met with representatives from the YONDR. Dr. Clarke went over the information that was in the hand-out and asked the Committee to review it for further discussion. She added that the staff is on-board and very excited to embrace the initiative which, if approved, will commence in November 2022 at the start of the second quarter. Ms. Czarniecki, Mr. Sullivan and Dr. Clarke are planning a visit to Chicopee High School which is currently utilizing the YONDR FOR SCHOOLS program. It was noted that the program is compliant with the American Disabilities Act (ADA). Cost of the program for the first year is $8,100 and includes training and cell phone pouches with and without locks. Dr. Clarke noted that the current Cell Phone Policy would need to be revised through the Policy/Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee. Ms. Funds Graves-Harrison questioned where the funding for the program would come from. Dr. Clarke deferred to Ms. Zippin who said funding could come from School Choice monies or grants adding that Ms. Watts is constantly looking for grant opportunities for the district. A discussion followed including questions, answers and concerns from Committee members. Old Business: Dr. Clarke noted that the town is looking to partner with the schools for a security measures assessment, adding that she attended the Select Board meeting last night. She provided an overview of that portion of the meeting where Chief Kozloski told Select Board members that the schools are very advanced with the training and security measures currently in place. Dr. Clarke distributed a proposal regarding a Security Officer Position. She read and reviewed the proposal. Dr. Clarke then provided an overview of the School Resource Officer (SRO) position as requested. She noted that the person hired for the Security Officer Position would work in conjunction with the SRO. Dr. Clarke stated that the SRO Policy would need to be revised. Each Committee member Motion by Ms. Graves-Harrison to allow Dr. Clarke and her team to pursue the proposal presented for the hiring of a Security Officer Position. (Second by Ms. Morgan) No discussion Roll Call Vote: Ms. Murphy Yes Ms. Peterson Yes Ms. Graves-Harrison Yes Ms. Morgan Yes Ms. Flynn Abstain Motion carries 4-1 Action Items:

School Committee Minutes: Page 3 of 4 Regular Business Meeting-July 13, 2022

DRAFT COPY for distribution/ at the Regular Business Meeting-August 10, 2022

Update School Committee Subcommittee Liaison Positions. Schedule Human Resources/Negotiations Subcommittee meeting. Schedule Facilities and Long-Term Planning Subcommittee meeting as a tour of the facilities on August 10, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Motion by Ms. Graves-Harrison to adjourn Open Session. (Second by Ms. Flynn) No discussion Motion carries 5-0 Open Session closed at 7:53 p.m. Documentation for this meeting: July 13, 2022-Regular Business Meeting Agenda June 23, 2022-Re-organization/Regular Business Meeting Minutes-DRAFT School Committee Subcommittee Liaison Positions – July 2022-June 2023 Distributed/Presented at meeting: YONDR FOR SCHOOLS Approved by Committee: _________________________________________________ Ms. Graves-Harrison, Secretary

SC-July 13, Regular Business Meeting-FINAL
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