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January 22, 2020

Minutes of the Monson School Committee Regular Business Meeting Quarry Hill Community School – School Committee Meeting Room January 22, 2020 Present: Chair Jeffrey Lord; Vice Chair Emily Graves-Harrison and Committee Members Colleen Flynn and Jessy Shea Also Present: Superintendent Cheryl Clarke; Business and Finance Officer Michelle Loglisci Absent: Secretary Andre Dubois-White Note: This meeting was video-recorded. Mr. Lord called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Ms. Graves-Harrison read the Mission and Vision Statements. Announcements: Mrs. Clarke noted that January 23 and 24, 2020 are early dismissal days for students in preparation for the semester transition at the high school. February 4, 2020 is also an early-release day for students for Teacher In-Service. Mr. Lord thanked the Committee members that attended the recent Chapter 70 Funding training presented by a Massachusetts Association of School Committees representative, adding that it was very informative and collaborative with the people that attended from other districts. Business and Finance Officer Report: Mr. Lord requested that Agenda item 5a be moved to this point in the meeting. Mrs. Loglisci distributed her Business and Finance Officer’s Report that included an FY20 Budget Variance Report and the Revolving Account Report. She explained the specific purposes for revolving account funds and how each one may be utilized. Mrs. Loglisci then reviewed the FY20 budget variance report. A short question and answer period followed. Minutes: Mr. Lord tabled this Agenda item to the next meeting. Subcommittee and Liaison Reports: Finance Subcommittee: Information was provided by Mrs. Loglisci earlier in the meeting. Policy Subcommittee:

School Committee Minutes: Page 1 of 4 Regular Business Meeting: January 22, 2020

Draft copy for e-mail distribution/approval, as part of the School Committee packet, - prior to the January 22, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting

Policy information was distributed to Committee members. Motion by Ms. Flynn to approve the first read of Policy GBEBD – Crowdfunding. (Second by Mr. Shea) Mr. Lord asked the Chair of the Subcommittee to read the Policy. Ms. Flynn did so and provided a brief background as requested by Ms. Graves-Harrison. Discussion followed, including suggested recommendations to be made to the first read and move to a second read. No further discussion Motion carries 4-0 Motion by Mr. Shea to approve the second read of Policy JICG-Tobacco Use, Vaping and/or Possession and move to third read. (Second by Ms. Graves-Harrison) Ms. Flynn provided an overview of the combined Policies (ADC and JICG) in response to Committee members previously requested changes. An in-depth discussion followed Motion carries 3-0 (Ms. Graves-Harrison abstained from vote) Superintendent’s Report: Mrs. Clarke distributed the Agenda from the full day Administrative Leadership Team (ALT) retreat held off-site on January 17, 2020 at the East Longmeadow Public Library. She added that it was a very successful day and the team worked hard at completing the staffing, necessary postings and FY21 budget. She said that Mrs. Loglisci attended for the first time and was able to experience the collaboration among the ALT members. The Tiered Focus Monitoring Review conducted by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in November, in the areas of Special Education and Civil Rights, found that the district was in compliance with all the criteria monitored and no corrective action is required at this time. Stating the she was very happy with the report received, she thanked the special education team for all the work they did to prepare for this review. Mrs. Clarke addressed the recent health concerns in the district. She reported that there was high absenteeism, most prevalent at the high school that was attributed to the flu, but the overall number of students absent was decreasing significantly each day. Mrs. Clarke reported that the buildings were being sanitized and gave thanks to the Facilities Department, specifically Mr. Ainsworth, for the extra effort. Mrs. Clarke distributed information from the Department of Public Health in response to recent social media concerns about head lice. She reviewed the information and discussed the district’s protocol, citing case laws regarding discriminatory actions and violation of confidentiality. Mrs. Clarke noted that all the information was available on the school’s website and if anyone had further questions to please contact the school nurse. A meeting was held with Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Zippin, Mr. DeMaio, Mr. Moriarty, and Mr. Duggan on January 21, 2020 to discuss dedicating the pool at Quarry Hill Community School to Elizabeth Manley. It was decided that a dedication ceremony would be held on January 29, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. in the pool area. This date is the last home swim meet and Senior Day. A banner will be hung in her honor and an official plaque will follow after repairs to the pool area are

School Committee Minutes: Page 2 of 4 Regular Business Meeting: January 22, 2020

Draft copy for e-mail distribution/approval, as part of the School Committee packet, - prior to the January 22, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting

completed over the summer. Mrs. Clarke thanked Mr. Moriarty from Monson Savings Bank for the funds to purchase the banner. Mrs. Clarke noted that the next Regular Business Meeting will be an FY21 budget presentation and all administrators and department heads will attend. Mrs. Clarke distributed a rough draft of the Council on Aging Senior Newsletter, designed by Ms. Johnston. There was a suggestion to group the information by school and enclose a large print sports schedule including all community events. Mrs. Clarke will work with Ms. Johnston to make revisions. Completed copies will be distributed to various locations in town. Old Business: Mrs. Clarke talked about the process of assigning numerous groups the task of generating ideas for the Strategic Plan. The information from each group was on display throughout the School Committee Room. Each group’s initial ideas were then distributed to Team Leaders for further review. Their suggestions will be compiled and another review will be held before implementation into the new Strategic Plan. Mrs. Clarke will provide an update next month. Public Session: Mr. Lord opened Public Session at 7:53 p.m. Karen Nothe-Valley came forward to share some comments on items that were discussed in tonight’s meeting. Mr. Lord closed Public Session at 7:56 p.m. Review of Action Items: Meeting minutes for approval from this meeting Agenda, will be moved to the next Regular Business Meeting Agenda. Policies discussed will be moved to next read. The draft copy of the Council on Aging’s Senior Newsletter will be revised by Mrs. Clarke and Ms. Johnston. Mrs. Clarke will send her mid-year goals progress information to Committee members for their review. The information will be presented and discussed at the February 26, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting. Mr. Lord noted that there is no need for Executive Session. Motion by Ms. Flynn to adjourn Open Session (Second by Mr. Lord) No discussion Motion carries 4-0 Open session closed at 7:59 p.m. Documentation for this meeting: Agenda-January 22, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting Regular Business Meeting Draft Minutes – December 18, 2019 Regular Business Meeting Draft Minutes – January 15, 2020

School Committee Minutes: Page 3 of 4 Regular Business Meeting: January 22, 2020

Draft copy for e-mail distribution/approval, as part of the School Committee packet, - prior to the January 22, 2020 - Regular Business Meeting

Distributed at meeting: Business and Finance Officer’s Report-January 22, 2020 Approved by Committee: ___________________________________ Mr. Dubois-White, Secretary

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