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ECC Arrival/Dismissal Procedure

Good Afternoon Early Childhood Families,

Preschool and Kindergarten will be starting school tomorrow and we have greatly enjoyed meeting all of you at orientation over the last couple of days!  

As you are aware, Quarry Hill is under construction, therefore, we have revised our arrival/dismissal procedure until the main entrance area is reopened. 
Please see the arrival/dismissal process for parent drop off and pick up below: 
You may drop off your child between 8:35 am and 8:55 am.  
If your child attends the half day afternoon preschool program, you may drop off your child between 12:15 pm and 12:30 pm. 
Drop off will be at the Pool Doors during construction.
When entering the driveway, please drive through the main parking lane and line up at the Pool Door.
Please line up behind the cone.
A staff member will be directing cars to move up.  We will be having two to three cars drop off at a time to ensure that the students are safely on the sidewalk.
A staff member will greet them and walk them to the Pool Doors.
Please drive slowly and do not pass any vehicles.  

Parent pick-up will take place at the Pool Door.   
Vehicles will drive slowly and line up in your vehicle at the Pool Door following the directions of staff.
Parents will wait in their vehicle and should not park and leave their vehicle while in the parent pick- up line.
If your child attends the morning session preschool, please do not arrive any sooner than 11:15 am.  If your child is in Kindergarten or attends the full day preschool program, please do not arrive any sooner than 2:55 pm.  

We ask all parents to remain in their vehicles during arrival and dismissal.  When staff approaches your car, you may assist your child out of the vehicle. If you feel as if your child may have difficulty separating from you, please email me directly so we can be prepared and inform staff. Our staff is trained to support our students with new transitions.  Parents will not be able to walk their child to the entrance or into the building.

Lastly, please share this information with anyone who is dropping off or picking up your child on your behalf.  It is extremely important that everyone is aware of the procedures that we have in place to ensure a smooth arrival/dismissal process.

If you have not notified your teacher that you will be dropping off or picking up your child on a regular basis, please send in a note to school tomorrow or notify your child's teacher through Classdojo.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly with any questions you may have at

Have a great evening!
Suzanne Tetrault



Central Business Office

Early Childhood Center

Granite Valley School

Monson High School





43 Margaret Street

43 Margaret Street

21 Thompson Street

55 Margaret Street

© 2020 Monson Public Schools 

Central Business Office: 413.267.4150

Early Childhood Center: 413.267.4160

Granite Valley School: 413.267.4155

Monson High School: 413.267.4589

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