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  • Graduation Requirements
    * Students must take and pass a math in their senior year ^ - Can be replaced by additional fine and applied arts credit ** Can be waived (see waiver policy)
  • Online Learning
    Any student interested in taking a class that is not currently offered at MHS may opt to take one of the more than 125 courses. These classes are offered through FuelEducation, an online learning platform. Courses range from Electives, Career Pathways, foreign language, AP and core curriculum courses. Those considering taking an online class should list the class(es) on their course sheet. There are a limited number of slots available so making a course request does not guarantee a seat in the class. Students should also pick an alternative class if the online class is not available. For more information about online learning or a list of courses available, please contact the Counseling office staff or the Online Learning Coordinator.
  • Summer School
    Monson High School does not offer summer school classes. Students are eligible to attend local area programs providing they meet the following criteria: A course taken in summer school must first have been taken at Monson High School or is appropriately listed on a transfer record. Courses may be taken in summer school for the reason of making up a failure or raising a grade. In order for a course to be approved for summer school registration, all course work at Monson High School must be completed, including final exams, A student may not make up a course in summer school for which he/she did not receive credit due to the attendance policy. All courses taken in summer school must be first approved by the Monson High School Principal or by a school counselor. Credits/Grades If a course is taken to make up a failure, credit will be issued if the average between the grade received in that course at Monson Innovation High School during the regular session and the grade received in summer school is 60 or higher. If a course is taken to raise a grade, the grade will be computed as described above, but no additional credit will be awarded toward graduation. In the event that letter grades are issued by the summer school, the following conversion table will be used in calculating the averages as described above: A+ = 98 B+ = 88 C+ = 78 D+ = 68 F=55 A = 95 B = 85 C = 75 D = 65 A- = 92 B- = 82 C- = 72 D- = 62 Pass/fail designations will not be accepted. Students interested in attending summer school should see their counselor for the appropriate paperwork and approval.
  • Dual Enrollment
    Juniors and seniors have an opportunity to take classes at public colleges or universities in Massachusetts for free through the Dual Enrollment Program. Interested students must be a senior in good standing academically and discipline wise and depending on the college, may also require a minimum GPA (typically 80). Students are given one free block per day for the semester per college class. Students who have 4th block open may leave campus. If taking an on-campus class, transportation is the responsibility of the student. Students interested in pursuing a Dual Enrollment course should see his/her school counselor to begin the discussion and determine which college and classes would be appropriate. A college/university application is then completed and processed by the school counselor. Once accepted, students taking in person or online classes must attend an orientation session on campus. Students must provide MHS their final grade at the conclusion of the course and communicate regularly how class(es) are going. College classes do count in a student’s GPA at MHS however only college honors classes will be weighted at the 1.1 level.
  • Independent Study
    The Independent Study Program provides an opportunity for 11th and 12th grade students to obtain academic credit for learning acquired through individualized programs of study under periodic guidance by a faculty advisor. Guidelines for Independent Study Program Students who wish to participate in an Independent Study Program should initiate a request with the teacher. The credit awarded for Independent Study will be determined by the advising teacher, Guidance Department, Department Chair/Coordinator, and Teaching and Learning Council. Final approval for an Independent Study Program must be given by the Teaching and Learning Council and approved by the Principal; however, it is the right of the teacher to determine whether or not he/she will advise such a program. The student and advising teacher will present to the department chairman and Teaching and Learning Council a plan for the program. The plan or contract will include detailed course outcomes, goals of the program, the projected amount of credit expected, necessary due dates, and method of evaluation. At no time will the number of credits to be earned exceed 5 credits. The student must assume all responsibility for successful completion of the Independent Study Program. All proposals for independent study must be submitted on or before May 1 for consideration for the fall semester and on or before November 1 for the spring semester. In the case of courses being canceled later than the date of submission, the time deadlines may be waived if the student had pre-registered for said class. The advising teacher should appear before the Teaching and Learning Council to discuss the course of study. Evaluation of the student is the responsibility of the advising teacher. The final evaluation of the student is to be submitted by the advising teacher no later than a week before the first scheduled final exam unless agreed upon by both parties. All submissions for Independent Study proposals must be typed. There is a template of the title page available through the Guidance Office. Credit for the student will be granted only after successful completion of the program. A student may pursue only one Independent Study Program per year. An Independent Study Program may not be taken in lieu of a required course. Under normal circumstances, an independent study course may also not be taken in lieu of a regularly scheduled course or during the extended block schedule. However, the following criteria may be considered when a student asks for a waiver to allow him/her to take an independent study course to replace an existing course or to complete the work of the course during the school day: The course must be taken when the student is a senior. The student must be in good academic standing at the time of the request. The student must demonstrate how the independent study course will benefit him/her in his/her future. The course outcomes must be designed to meet the guidelines set in the Monson High School Statement of Purpose along with the school and department exit outcomes. The student must complete and present a final project to his advising teacher and to a group that represents the Teaching and Learning Council. The student must be scheduled within a classroom and assigned to the advising teacher during the period designated for the Independent Study. It is also recognized that students may take an independent study course to replace a course that he/she cannot take due to insurmountable scheduling conflicts, or due to the fact that the course, found in the Monson High School Program of Studies, is not given during that particular year. This is, of course, contingent upon all of the above expectations being met. Please see your counselor for an application.
  • Promotion/Retention Guidelines
    The following number of credits indicates the minimum requirements for designated MHS grade levels, effective at the beginning of each school year: 100 credits to become a senior 60 credits to become a junior 25 credits to become a sophomore Failure to earn the above minimum credits means that a student is not promoted to the next grade level. No changes in grade/homeroom status are made during the school year with the exception of seniors who are hoping to graduate. Students repeat the required subjects for which credit has not been earned. These subjects may be made up within their high school schedule, summer school or night school. Contact the student's school counselor in order to answer any questions regarding promotion and retention requirements.
  • Fine Arts / Applied Arts Waiver
    The MHS requirement is for students to take 2 Fine Arts and 2 Applied Arts in their four years in high school. However for students who wish to take high level academic courses in place of one five credit Fine Art or Applied Art class, a waiver option is available. Signatures from student, parent, counselor and principal are required for approval. Please see your school counselor.
  • PE Waiver
    Starting with the Class of 2013 the MHS requirement is for students to take PE in each of their four years in high school. However for students who only wish to take one five credit PE course, the following waiver options would be available: 1. Junior Varsity/Varsity athlete involved in a Monson High School sponsored athletic program. 2. Students who participate in an organized out-of-school athletic type of activity such as dance, gymnastics, hockey or other aerobic activity. Such activity must meet a minimum of 90 hours over the course of a school year to be eligible for this waiver. In each case the student would have to complete an official waiver request form which would be signed by the student, parent, counselor, principal, coach/supervisor and PE department representative. Please see your counselor.


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