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District student and staff practice and are able to implement, if necessary, a variety of responses to emergency situations. In the event of an intruder, we utilize the ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter & Evacuate) procedure and participate in drills regularly. Please contact your building principal should you wish further information regarding any of our safety protocols.

Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan 

(This can also be found in our Student Handbook)

The Monson Public Schools District has developed a bullying prevention and intervention plan in accordance with the guidance issued by the Mass. DESE on September 2013
Priority Statement: Monson Public Schools District will investigate promptly all reports and
complaints of bullying, cyber-bullying, and retaliation, and take prompt action to end that
behavior and restore a sense of safety.

The principal is responsible for implementing the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan,
which includes the following provisions:

  • Strategies for protecting those who report bullying.

  • Notice to the parents or guardians of students involved in bullying, including perpetrators and victims.

  • Appropriate services for students who have been bullied or who are bullies.

  • Age-appropriate review of the student-related sections of the Bullying Prevention Plan in the Student Handbook.

  • Annual review of available data on bullying and behavioral incidents and assessment of available resources including curricula, training programs, and behavioral health services.

  • Any retaliatory action of any kind taken by an employee or student of the Monson Public

School District against anyone as a result of that person’s advocacy for rights protected
under Monson Public School District’s applicable policy and applicable Federal laws,
seeking help, cooperating in an investigation, or otherwise participating in any proceeding
is prohibited.

1. It is a violation of the Bullying Policy for any administrator, teacher or other employee, or
any student to engage in or condone bullying in school or to fail to report or otherwise take
reasonable corrective measures when they become aware of an incident of bullying.
2. This policy is not designed or intended to limit the school’s authority to take disciplinary
action or take remedial action when such bullying occurs out of school but has a connection
to school, or is disruptive to an employee’s or student’s work or participation in school
related activities.
3. It is the responsibility of every employee, student and parent to recognize and report acts of
bullying and take every action necessary to ensure that the applicable policies and
procedures of this school district are implemented.
4. Any employee or student who believes that he or she has been subjected to bullying has the
right to file a complaint and to receive prompt and appropriate handling of the complaint.
Further, all reasonable efforts shall be made to maintain the confidentiality and protect the
privacy of all parties, but proper enforcement of this policy may require disclosure of any or
all information received.
5. The building principal or designee shall be responsible for assisting employees and
students seeking counseling or support in addressing matters relating to any form of
6. Retaliation in any form against any person who has made or filed a complaint relating to
bullying is forbidden. If it occurs, it could be considered grounds for dismissal of staff
personnel and/or removal from the educational setting for a student. A referral to law
enforcement may be made.
7. Reports of bullying should be confidential, consistent with necessary investigation
procedures, with the goal of protecting the victim and stopping the behavior.
8. Preventing bullying to create a more positive school climate and to prevent as much
bullying as possible, age-appropriate instruction on bullying prevention, for students in

each grade must be incorporated in a school’s curriculum. Professional development is
required for teachers and other staff to help them prevent and stop bullying. In addition,
schools must offer education to parents about bullying prevention.
9. Children on the Autism Spectrum must have provisions in their Individualized
Educational Programs (IEPs) to ensure they obtain the skills to avoid and respond to
bullying, an especially challenging task for Autistic children.
10. Reporting and Stopping Bullying - To stop bullying as soon as it occurs, all school staff are required to promptly report bullying when they witness or become aware of it. A school
principal or his designee must immediately investigate and take appropriate disciplinary

Procedures for Reporting and Investigating Bullying, Hazing, and Intimidation Claims
In school systems, bullying may take many forms and cross many lines. The situation may be an instance of staff member to staff member, staff member to student, student to staff member, or student to student. Guidelines for dealing with any charge of bullying are as follows:
1. (Student and Adults) By law, bullying is defined by the victim’s perception in combination
with objective standards or expectations. What one person may consider acceptable
behavior may be viewed as bullying by another person. Therefore, in order to protect the
rights of both parties, it is important that the victim make it clear to the bully that the
behavior is objectionable.
2. (Students and Adults) In all charges of bullying, the victim should report the specifics of the
complaint to ensure that the subsequent investigation is focused on the relevant facts. Oral
and anonymous complaints will be reviewed but are inherently difficult to investigate and
may not be procedurally fair; as a result no disciplinary action shall be taken on anonymous
complaints unless verified by clear and convincing evidence. All other complaints will be
reviewed based on a preponderance of evidence standard.
3. (Students and Adults) Any school employee that has reliable information that would lead a
reasonable person to suspect that a person is a target of bullying, hazing, or intimidation
shall immediately report it to the administration; each school shall document any
prohibited incident that is reported and confirmed, and report all incidents of hazing,
intimidation, bullying or cyber-bullying and the resulting consequences, including
discipline and referrals, in accordance with state laws and regulations.
4. (Students) A good faith report from a staff member renders the staff member immune from
discipline for making a report and is considered to have been made in the course of the staff
member’s employment for purposes of M.G.L. c. 258. School staff will be indemnified from
any cause of action arising out of a good faith report of bullying or the district’s subsequent
actions or inaction in connection thereto.
5. (Students) If an instance of student to student bullying is reported to a staff member other
than an administrator, the staff member must inform the dean of students or the building
6. (Adults) If the alleged bully is responsible for conducting an investigation, the
Superintendent or Committee shall designate an alternative Coordinator, who is immediate
Supervisor of the alleged bully.
7. (Adults) If a situation involving a charge of staff member to student bullying is brought to
the attention of any staff member, the staff member should notify the building principal or
Director of Student Services immediately.
8. (Students) In a situation involving a charge of student to staff member bullying the staff
member should notify the building principal or Director of Student Services.
9. (Adults) In a situation involving a charge of staff member to staff member bullying the staff
member should notify the building principal or the Director of Student Services.
10. (Students and Adults) Once a charge of bullying has been made, including charges of
mental, emotional or physical bullying as well as threats to a person's safety or position in
the school or work environment, the following course of action should be taken:
a. The building principal should investigate the charge through discussions with the
individuals involved.
b. In situations involving allegations against a staff member, he/she should be
informed of his/her rights to have a third party present at the time of the
c. In situations involving students the principal should engage the appropriate
classroom or special subject area teacher. Parents will be informed of the situation
in incidences involving students.
d. It is important that the situation be resolved as confidentially and as quickly as the
circumstances permit.

11. After an investigation with the involved parties, if the building principal determines that
disciplinary action must be taken, the following could occur:
a. (Students and Adults) In instances involving student to student or student to staff
member bullying, the student may be subject to discipline including but not limited
to counseling, suspension, and in appropriate cases expulsion.
b. (Adults) In instances involving staff member to student and staff member to staff
member bullying, findings will be reported to the Superintendent of Schools for
further action. Personnel action may also be initiated at this point, consistent with
the applicable law and collective bargaining agreement.
c. (Students and Adults) In all cases, a referral to law enforcement will be considered
by the Principal or Superintendent based on the circumstances. School officials will
coordinate with the Police Department to identify a police liaison for bullying cases.
The Monson Public School District Bullying Prevention Plan, as well as notification of updates, can
be found in its entirety on the district website at and is subject to
modifications by state legislation.


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© 2020 Monson Public Schools 

Central Business Office: 413.267.4150

Early Childhood Center: 413.267.4160

Granite Valley School: 413.267.4155

Monson High School: 413.267.4589

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